
Every once in a while, there are surveys that come around the Internet designed to help you get to know your friends a little better...or at least the ones that tolerate forwards.  They ask things like "What did you have for breakfast?" and "What song is on your radio right now?" You learn your friends' taste in music, TV shows and movies.  Julia Roberts seems to be popular as does Johnny Depp and Brad Pitt.

I'm beginning to think of myself as being in the minority.  When asked who my favorite actress is, I invariably say "Katharine Hepburn".  I like Claudette Colbert and Carole Lombard as well, but I'd watch Katharine Hepburn read the phone book.  I can almost tell you the plot of -The Philadelphia Story- word for word and I walk around singing the "Farewell, Amanda" song from Adam's Rib- for days on end.

I've always been drawn to older movies.  Epic romances, screwball comedies, name a genre and I've probably seen an example of it.  Given enough time, I could tell you every character in Gone With the Wind- and everything that takes place in It Happened One Night-.

Kenny, however, is not that way.  He shuns almost anything in black and white and his idea of comedy is more physical than verbal.  Through his tutelage, I've learned to appreciate such action heroes as Clint Eastwood and Bruce Willis and comedians as Eddie Murphy.  I still can't get him to sit down and watch Bringing Up Baby- with me, but I'm fairly sure that he now at least knows what it is.

©2004 Ken & Stephanie Sims
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