Summer 2005 - Dollywood

Kenny and I went to Dollywood recently.

I hadn’t been in years and had forgotten how much fun it could be. From dulcimers to Southern Gospel music to glass blowing to blacksmithing to a retrospective of country music, there is something for everyone.

For example, if you have $3,000, you could have a carriage custom made just for you.

If you’re in a reflective mood, you can sit a moment at the chapel...or join the folks for services every Sunday morning.

We rode the train around and “Yee Hawed” at everyone we saw. We watched a hawk fly over our heads at the “Wings of America” show, and got to see some eagles up close.

I got to ride on the merry go round and got stuck on my horse, but we won’t talk about that.

We had funnel cake and popcorn and lemonade and we brought home cotton candy.

It was a very good trip.

We are so going back.

Dollywood Pictures

©2004 Ken & Stephanie Sims
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