TV Shows

Thanks to Netflix, I'm able to rent shows that I'm curious about and watch them from the beginning.  I started with Friends- and found out that I thought the earlier episodes much funny than the later ones.  I've never seen Felicity- but it's on my list of coming up shows.  I even found Garfield and Friends- for Kenny and soon the talents of Lorenzo Music will be right in our very own living room. More TV show comments to come....

Freaks and Geeks

The show that I've connected with the most so far has been Freaks and Geeks-.  Don't get me wrong.  I was only six in 1980, so most of my memories of that year involve first grade activities, not sneaking out to smoke on the patio or dating girls in the band.  I think, though, that I can identify in some small way with Lindsay, and, to a lesser extent, Nick.

I wasn't pretty enough or athletic enough to be one of the popular kids in my class and I wasn't nonconformist enough to really fit in with the rebels.  Like Lindsay, I kind of floated from friend to friend, not really sure where I belonged.

I think it a shame that the show lasted only one season.  I watched Lindsay get on the bus in the last episode and cried.  There could have been so much more told with her story.  Now, I'm not a person who writes their own scripts or makes up her own episodes, but I like to think that the next school year would be one of less angst for her.  The groups were beginning to mingle a bit with Daniel discovering D&D, Ken dating Amy the tuba player and even with Vicki the cheerleader kissing Bill (how great was that?) and I'd like to think that Lindsay might settle in a little bit.  I don't, however, know how we'd get Nick back his drums.

©2004 Ken & Stephanie Sims
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