
Stephanie has learned the kinds of movies I like and dislike. She knows, for instance, that if there are guns, explosions, etc. that I'll probably like it. She also knows that lots of "romantic" scenes, spontaneous singing, and subtitles will not make for a good movie going experience if I'm along.

She saw a couple movies without me this summer that we were planning on seeing. "Mr & Mrs. Smith" was one of them ... she said even though it had guns and explosions in it that I probably wouldn't have liked it. I guess I'll wait for it on a movie channel or Netflix it sometime.

I also didn't get to see "Bewitched". I'd promised to go if she couldn't find someone to go with. I watched the TV show in reruns, but never was a real fan of the show. I doubt I'll be watching it.

We did go see two movies on our vacation though.

"War of the Worlds" was about what I expected... I've read the original book, listened to the radio broadcast, and seen the original movie. I thought this one was mostly faithful in spirit to the originals. It was set in the present day, so the technology was updated, but not in an obnoxious manner. I thought the background storie about how the aliens "got to earth" was interesting, and somewhat made sense.

The other movie we saw was "The Fantastic Four". In this case I didn't know anything about the original comic book story and background so I can't comment on the faithfulness of the script. I did enjoy the movie though, and feel like there will probably be a sequel. I guess we'll just have to wait and see.

©2005 Ken & Stephanie Sims
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