Stephanie Says.. Take a walk inside my head

June 26, 2008

I’m addicted to -Cracked- and it’s all Lauren’s fault

Filed under: Gratitude — srose @ 4:32 pm

Some of you are concerned about the tone of my last post.  I myself am concerned about the tone of my last post. So,…in a spirit of “I am doing better”, here are some things on the Internet that I like:

 First is the aforementioned -Cracked-.  It’s a satirical, often irreverant website that talks a lot about sex and cuss words (often in list form).  As a good little girl, part of me is appalled at the language.  But the other part of me finds it sooo funny.  My favorite post so far addressed Biblical “superpowers” and how they are so much cooler than anything posessed by Superman and his ilk.  Who knew that Elijah and Elisha wielded so much charisma?

 I also play a lot on You Tube.  For some reason, I don’t often turn the speakers on at home, so I spend the time that Kenny is working after hours looking up videos (mostly from the ’80’s) and singing along.  I got stuck on Tiffany’s version of “I Think We’re Alone Now” last week.  This week I’m moving on to one of my favorite songs ever, Belinda Carlisle’s “Half the World”.  Next week, I think I’m going to look up Vanessa Williams’ “Save the Best for Last”.

And now we come to my favorite, favorite site.  If you don’t know, you should.  It is, of course, not free, but the membership fee is so worth it.  All I have to do is make a list of books that I want  to “rent” (kind of like the DVD list on Netflix), order them by how quickly I want to read them and wait for my little pre paid envelope to arrive.  This has greatly cut down on bookstore fees, and, since I tend to read a book once then give it away, makes Kenny very happy.  One could, of course, get the same service from one’s local library, but for some reason I never go there.  However, I spend tons of time on-line so this fits my lifestyle perfectly.

I’m really not a computer person.  I couldn’t format anything if my life depended on it, and I have to get Kenny to download things that come in my e-mail.  Still, I can entertain myself pretty well with these three sites.

In other news, Mike got us all shakes this afternoon!  How cool is that? 




June 23, 2008

I’m not there yet, but I am trying

Filed under: Glimpses of Me — srose @ 10:55 pm

I was sitting in the Blazer Sunday afternoon after the morning worship service when Ben pulled up beside us.  “So you’re here”, he asked, “So you’re feeling well enough to come tonight?”

I was, but he had a point.  My mornings have become a game of “Will she or won’t she get out of bed?” and it’s anybody’s guess anymore whether or not I’ll show up to church.

It’s not that I don’t like work, although some days are more fun than others.  It’s not that I don’t like church, although sometimes I go out of duty, not desire.  It’s just that the clouds are hanging around again and it’s so much easier to stay in bed and not move than it is to get up and think and breathe and try and do something…anything until I can sink into my pillow again.

I wasn’t always this way.  Apparently I was a pretty happy child.  I remember eating ice cream, climbing trees, turning my bookshelf into a Barbie castle (which I misspelled as “catsle”).  I would sing any song from the Annie soundtrack at the drop of a hat and I just knew that I was going to grow up to be a princess.

Then came the ’90’s.  Then came depression.  My kind is hard to explain to people.  I’m getting more honest about things, such as the fact that I’m not always in bed with a migraine, but it’s still hard for my sphere to understand.

I read.  I go out to eat.  I teach a class of bright, squirmy kids.  I love my husband and I still tend to burst into song at the drop of a hat.

I should be happy.

And I am, most of the time.

But every now and then, the clouds come back.  My freshman year of college was a hard one for me.  I spent most of the first semester in a daze.  Depression can make it hard to think, you know.  Still, I got good enough grades and had good enough friends.

By the last semester of my senior year, I was leaving work early to go back to the dorm and sleep.  I was responsible enough.  I made up the hours that I missed, but the clouds were still there.

And they are here now.  I’ve done the reading.  I know the causes.  But knowing and doing are, in my case at least, two different things.  Still, it’s hard for people to understand.  This isn’t something I can just overcome by willpower.  Getting out of bed and going to work is helpful, yes, but it’s only a step.  By the time the UPS truck arrives and it’s time to close up, I’m often so tired I’m grateful for the chance to sleep on the hour ride home.

And yes, I’ve read the articles extoling a “Fake it ’til you make it” philosophy.  I believe in that mindset to a certain extent.  Why be a rude nasty person when it is so much nicer to greet people with a smile and a “Have a nice day”?

So I smile.  And (for the most part) I remember to shower.  And I play with my nieces and cuddle my cats and sing in the choir.

But every now and then the circle rolls back around to “time for clouds”.  I can’t explain what I’m thinking when that happens.  I can’t tell you why I’m experiencing more than just “the blues” or why I want to rip all the well meaning tongues out of well meaning heads and set fire to every self help book I see.  I can’t tell you why the migraines get worse (they are real…I’m not devious enough to make them up, though sometimes I do exaggerate their severity) or why every time someone extols me to just “get over it” I want to bash their head in with a hammer (did I mention that sometimes depression straddles a line into quick flashes of anger?).

All I can tell you is to hold on.  I’m cyclical.  It will pass and I will be back to church, back to class, back to work.  I’ll be smiling.  I’ll be singing.  I’ll be grateful to you for loving me, warts and all.

But right now, in this moment, I can’t do any of those things.  And if I cling to my pillow in the morning or fall asleep in the car on the way to work, I beg your indulgence.  I’m trying.  I know it’s not my best.  I know I’m not there yet.

But I also know that some day–I will be.

June 17, 2008

Mental block

Filed under: Glimpses of Me — srose @ 5:25 pm

Posterboard at our shop is fifty nine cents.

I know this.

There is a sign that says “Poster Board $.59 each”.

I know this also.

So why do I keep on charging people a dollar extra???

June 14, 2008

Thank heaven for little girls

Filed under: Family — srose @ 8:38 pm

We celebrated Catherine’s third birthday today.  Here are some pictures:


This is Catherine after exclaiming “This is what I wanted!”  Abigail leaned over to me and said “No she didn’t.  She wanted a baby doll.”  Catherine got her baby doll (which she named “Kate”) two presents later.

birthday girl

Catherine and her cake.  We ate some of the candy off of the frosting before digging in.

A moment later, Catherine would get a birthday card.  She smiled and said “E-Mail!”  Ah these 21st century children!


These are my two oldest nieces, Abigail and Catherine.  Abigail will be six in February.  She is scarily smart.  She is also funny.  When I started playing with her hair and telling her how long it had gotten, she replied “I take a lot of baths.  That’s why.”

catherine grace

Catherine took a break from dancing to pose for me.

clay and his bride

This is my brother Clay and his wife Monica.  They have been married since 2000 and are expecting baby number four in September.

clayton the puppet

Abigail  in her fairy costume.  She is holding her bunny puppet, whom she named Clayton.  Clayton is her dad’s name.

grandmama and poppaw

This is the best one I could get of my mom and dad.  They spent most of the afternoon cracking up.  We have a funny family.

computer work

Two of the men in my life:  my husband Ken and my brother Clay.

proud grandmama

Grandmama and Elisabeth.  Elisabeth spent most of the day saying “Ma-ma”.  Such is her word for “Give me something to nibble on.”

perplexed clay

A close up of Clay and his computer.

kenny and bessie

Kenny and his favorite chair.  Elisabeth was a wiggle worm, but she managed to pose prettily for this one.

 hall family

Clay and his girls.

We ended the day with Abigail pointing to a white car in my parents’ driveway and saying “Look Uncle Ken!  We have a car like that.”  To which Monica replied, “Abigail, that IS our car.”  Ah my nieces.  Ain’t nothin’ like ’em.

You may commence with the oohing and aahing now.

June 10, 2008

Personality Plus

Filed under: pets — srose @ 6:01 pm

We have five cats at our house, which makes life very interesting.  I’m constantly jumping at the flying furballs landing on my desk, bed or lap.

As you can imagine, each cat has his or her unique personality.  Paddy is our Diva.  She’s like a toddler in that what she wants she thinks is hers whether someone else has it or not.  She remains Kenny’s cat and often tucks him in at night by walking her front paws around his blanket


Annabelle is my cat.  She likes to sit between my wrists and the keyboard when I am typing.  She also likes to rub her face against the spine of whatever book I am reading.belle belle

Jonah is our TV cat.  He likes to sit on the couch when we’re watching our shows.  He also likes to stand on his hind legs while Kenny’s making a sandwich, though he turned up his nose when we finally gave him some cheese.

jonah wonah

Seth is my bedtime buddy.  He will literally lay his head on my shoulder as I’m perusing my latest novel.  He also likes to sprawl on the bathroom floor during the day, causing me to apologize to him at least once in any given twenty four hour period.


As for Allie….well, she’s gone crazy.  She has established our dining room table as her own personal castle and refuses to eat unless we bring food directly to her from the basement.  She sleeps on the dining room chairs though, if I am really quiet at night, she will cuddle on the couch and watch TV with me.  Still, she remains our lovable little “mew-mew” and will consent to a pat on the head every now and then.


Enjoy the latest pictures of our mixed up gang.  The dog is Ben and Jennifer’s Trigger.  She came over to visit one night but our cats scattered and wouldn’t reappear until the door closed behind her.  I think Trigger was disappointed.  She wanted to play.





Casting Call

Filed under: Glimpses of Me — srose @ 12:10 am

I read a lot.  All the time.  Everywhere.  If I’m not carrying a book with me, it’s either because Kenny didn’t think the drive to be long enough to get any reading done or because I’m really dressed up and want to impress someone.  But I more than usually have a book.  (And yes, I bring them to church sometimes too.  I can’t help it.  I grew up being called “Amy Carter, Jr.”)

I’ll read just about anything as long as it’s fiction.  However, I have been more and more drawn to mysteries and police dramas.  You know the kind.  Wounded people, broken dreams, shattered lives.

As you can imagine, I can get pretty cranky on a steady diet of death and mayhem.  That is when I pull out Connie Willis’ To Say Nothing of the Dog or Cheaper By the Dozen  which is, if you will forgive the cliche, an oldie but goodie.

There is one more character who consistantly makes me smile.  Her name is Stephanie Plum and she is from The Burg in New Jersey.  Stephanie works for her cousin Vinnie, the sleezeball, as a bail bondsperson.  She hauls bail jumpers back to jail by any means at her disposal.  The fact that she is more lucky than skilled at her job adds to her charm.

 The idea to make the series into a movie has apparently been kicking around Hollywood for a while.  Every once in a while, lists will appear on the Web as to who should play whom.  Sandra Bullock is favored to play Stephanie, but I don’t like that idea.  I don’t know why I don’t like that idea, but I don’t.

So, I got to thinking about whom I would cast and here is my partial list:

I would go with Evangeline Lilly for Stephanie.  Maybe Lauren Graham  but I’m still mourning Gilmore Girls, so I don’t think so.

Matthew McConaughey has the wrong color hair for Joe, but I’d go with him anyway.

I really didn’t like the suggestion of The Rock for Ranger (I couldn’t see him with long hair, for one thing) until I saw the commercials for Get Smart.  Now I’m less on the fence than I used to be.

I’ve been watching a lot of Friends lately and I think that Jane Sibbett (Ross’ ex wife Carol) would make a good Valerie.  I could see her being the Virgin Mary type.

I was thinking Kathy Griffin for Joyce, but that may be a bit too over the top.

What do ya’ll think about Caroline Rhea for Connie.  It may be an unorthodox choice, but I think it would work.  Or how about Amy Pietz?

I decided that Mo’Nique would make a good Lula after seeing her on Ugly Betty.

And oh my gosh Steve Busemi has to play Vinnie.  The part is taylor made for him.

As for Grandma Mazur, the woman I want to be when I grow up?  I’m thinking Ann Morgan Guilbert.  Sure, she was crazy on The Nanny but I’ve seen her on other things and liked her.  Now if I can just stop calling her “Millie”.


June 6, 2008

Saying Goodbye

Filed under: ah life — srose @ 6:08 pm

Here are some pictures from Ben and Jennifer’s going away get-together

Ben and Jennifer presents ben hatjennifer hat

Beth and Jeff brought the Resers a plastic tub full of presents.  Notice the subtle reminder not to forget us Kentucky folks?

jennifer food

This is Jennifer enjoying her cookies and pop.


beth laughing

We had a good time playing Taboo.


Here we are: Ben, Jeff and Kenny are in the first picture.  I am with Beth and Jennifer (already working on her tan) in the second.



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