Stephanie Says.. Take a walk inside my head

February 6, 2009

Things about Kenny

Filed under: Uncategorized — srose @ 7:59 pm

My sister in law wrote 25 things about my brother on Facebook, so I’m doing 25 things about Kenny on my blog.

1. Kenny loves me even though he is totally a grown up and I am far, far from an adult.

2. Kenny’s favorite movie is -Red Dawn-.  He likes it because the people who die do so “gloriously”.

3. For some reason, Kenny has trouble remembering to use his turn signal.

4. Kenny talks to himself, though he’d never admit it.

5. If you can’t get it at Wal*Mart, Kenny says you just don’t need it.

6.  Kenny has a hard time parting with things.  I, on the other hand, threaten to get rid of half our house while he is at work.

7.  Kenny likes 8 o’ clock classes, but he also likes night classes.

8.  Kenny had three dogs growing up.  King was Daisy’s son and then there was Toby.  Tiger was the cat.  He was pretty wild, from what I hear.

9. Kenny loves organ music.  He thinks I can sing, but given a choice between me and the organ, he’d take the organ.

10. Kenny doesn’t read much for pleasure.  He likes to stop at the end of chapters and his life is too busy and most chapters too long to do so.

11. Kenny doesn’t sing, but he can tell me how to do my solos.  He knows what sounds good and he is usually right.

12. When we met, I was 17 and Kenny was 28.  When we married, I was 23 and he was ten years older.

13. Kenny taught me to take pills without spitting them back up.  He stood me over a sink with a bag of peanut M&M’s and made me eat them until I could swallow them individually.

14. Someday, Kenny will own his dream car.  But I forget what kind of Caddy it is.

15. Kenny is so much more patient than I am.  Unless it comes to cars and computers.

16. Kenny likes ’70’s music. So we listen to Styx and Yes and such.  He thinks it’s more “real” than my Broadway stuff.

17. Kenny doesn’t like chores, but if he has to help, he’ll pick dishes over vaccuming or laundry.

18. Kenny wants to go to the Grand Canyon, but he’s helping me save for Scotland.

19.  Kenny’s not afraid of anything….anything.  Except the thought of me behind the wheel.

20. Kenny can sit still everywhere but in the car.  He drums on the dash, reaches for his phone, plays with the steering wheel, hums…He finds driving boring.  Sometimes he finds driving boring even with the podcasts.

21. Kenny was an accounting major.  He can do taxes, but he’d rather play with computers.

22. Little girls love my husband.  That sounds strange, but it’s true.  When we were on our honeymoon train trip, a girl named Cinda braided my hair (we were not in a compartment that leg).  Kenny tipped her a dime. And on it’s gone from there.  I so hope we have a little girl someday.  Kenny will be a great Daddy.

23. Kenny works in the soundbooth at church.  He’s creative in his way, but not like…choir or drama.

24. Kenny can do anything.  Really.  He can.

25. Kenny planned our wedding. I was too emotional and he wanted efficiency.  It was 12 minutes long.  He says it was two minutes too long.

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