Stephanie Says.. Take a walk inside my head

October 7, 2014


Filed under: Glimpses of Me,kids,Marriage — srose @ 7:13 am

(Posted with The Mister’s “I don’t understand what you’re feeling but yes you can talk about it” permission. I do try to ask before I wall things…most of the time.)

Here we go.
I can tell
By the looks
The questions
The hands on my shoulder
That you’re concerned.
You don’t understand what’s going on
And you don’t know why I’m not around anymore.
You’re worried.
You care.
But you don’t know how to ask about it.
Well…some of you anyway.
Some of you have your own lives
And may not have even noticed
That I’ve been gone.

Thank you.
I appreciate the sentiments.
I promise.
I promise.
I would explain it if I could.
But I’m not sure you would comprehend.
I’m not sure -I- can comprehend.

You know he stood in the kitchen.
You know he told me no.
He had decided
That for us
As individuals
As people
As a pair
He had concluded
That babies
For us
Would be wrong.

Hear what I’m trying to say
He doesn’t make decrees.
He’s not an all powerful voice from On High.
But when he decides, he decides.

It wasn’t the first decision he had made.
It won’t be the last.

I just didn’t know…
I had no idea
How deeply this one would cut.

It was everything I was waiting for
Everything I was breathing for
I had interests
I had loves
I had hobbies
But I was suspended
Foot in the air
Ready to step off that curb

My very own babies

I can’t tell you
I can’t explain what that NO did to me

One word
Two letters

I thought it was just my heart that had shattered.
I didn’t realize until later that it was also everything else.

Everything I thought I was
Everything I believed
Everything I knew

My worth.
My value.
My place.
My love.

I can’t explain it
Not really

And I’m not sure
Even if I could
You would really understand

I don’t.
I don’t understand.

I don’t understand why that word took everything away.
I’m not sure why
I am now questioning…All

You’re trying to help.
I know you are.
You hate seeing me so sad.
You tell me there are other things
Other paths
Other loves
Other lives

This I know.

But I also know not yet.

See, I tried.
Yes, I’ve always, always taken too easily to my sleep, to my emotions, to my tears.
You may not look at me any differently at all.

I am, you may say, still in bed.
Just, as you may say, I always am.

It is, you may say,
Nothing new.

My head, however?
My head would tell you it is not the same.
My heart would be too scarred to tell you
Much of anything at all.

I don’t know why.
I cannot put the reasons into words.

I had no child before.
I do not know why his choice made everything shift.
I just know it did.

You say you want my tears dried.
You say you want my happy back.
You say
That you want me to sparkle.

That, I cannot do.
Not yet.

I tried.
For the briefest of flickers, I did try.

But this one cuts too deep.
This one?
This one still bleeds and burns.

And leaving the house.
Being amidst anyone
Having to be anything but bruised?

Right now, I cannot do.

I’m not giving up.
Not all the way.

I’m not giving in.

But it’s a loss.
An unspoken, inexplicable, unintelligible loss.
That I myself do not comprehend yet.

I’m questioning everything…everything.
I appreciate your love.
I need your love.
I just can’t…I can’t

Right now
Trying to engage?
It’s just too hard.

I know.
It’s selfish
It’s egotistical

It’s not really a loss, is it?

I’ve never carried life, so there was no life to lose

I’ve never felt a spark, so there was no flame to extinguish

It cannot compare to any of your sufferings
It cannot compare to any of your griefs

It, in fact, is not even real.

And you tell me about your triumphs
You tell me of your strengths.

You want me to stand.

You want me upright

You want me back
In my place.

Two letters.
Two letters.
I should really be stronger

Than two letters

Words have been my life
Words have always been my life

They should not diminish me now

Come, you say

All you need is to walk
Stand and walk

I will
The day is coming
When I will

But forgive me
Extend your pardon

Right now
This moment?

The best I can do?
The only thing I can do

Is crawl.

April 6, 2014

Just…No More

Filed under: Glimpses of Me,kids,Marriage — srose @ 5:52 am

He stood in the kitchen the other day and announced that he had been thinking.

We’d been talking about it for a while, but this time he had come to a conclusion.

“No more”, he had decided.

No more dreaming.

No more thinking.

No more making plans.

No more visions of a little girl with my fair skin and her father’s dark hair.

No more handling of little lacy dresses and exclaiming over fancy, sparkling bows.

No more wishing.

No more hoping.

We would, he announced, not be having children.


And my heart, which had, of course, been casually and carelessly broken before, caved in.

And I couldn’t breathe.

He was sorry, he said.  He knew that he hurt me.  He knew that he was crushing my dreams.

But he had made up his mind.

He was right.

He HAD hurt me.

He had broken my heart.


No.  He had done much more than that.

He had shattered my world.

I came of age, of course, in the era of shoulder pads and power suits.

I knew that “Sisters Are Doin’ It For Themselves” and that “She Works Hard For the Money” long before I was even mature enough to parse those words.

I was always a throwback.  A Donna Reed.  A June Cleaver wanna be.

Not with the pearls, of course.

I can’t cook…er…I don’t.  I HAVE, but generally the kitchen is the Mister’s domain.

Generally all the grown up stuff, the driving, the taxes, the speaking to people in public is his domain too.

(He had already raised a child, people would say when they joked about me being so much younger than my husband.  Why would he want the responsibility of rearing another one?)

Well, as it turns out….

No.  That’s not fair.

He’s not the great villain in my life, now is he?

He knows I’m hurting.

He understands…well he mostly understands why it’s hard for me to go to work anymore since he is my boss.

He just doesn’t…

He can’t…

He will never…

Be empathetic.

To him, in his mind, we would make terrible parents.

We, at least HE, is on call all the time, for one thing.

The phone rings while we’re eating supper.

The phone rings while we’re in the car.

The phone rings while we’re at church.

He has even left the house before at one in the morning to drive down, set up, and print something that a funeral home needed for that/the next day.

He is a good man.

He wants to help.

He’s just so darn busy all the time.

But, I want to say…

So are doctors.  So are EMTs.  So are ministers and missionaries and counselors and professors and ANYBODY who works with the public, who is needed to help make the world a better place.

And they have children.

Ah.  Yes.  They do.

But THEY aren’t US.

He, with his self confidence and his need to be able to get things accomplished in HIS way in HIS time.  Don’t I recognize how frustrated he gets when he is in the middle of something and a student or customer comes in needing something?  Don’t I know that life with a child would be constant interruptions?

Don’t I think our poor little JJ would end up in therapy twenty years later because both of her parents had a strong, egocentric yen for taking the world and shaping it to fit themselves and their own needs?

“Selfishness” was the word he used.

We are so selfish…

We have tailored our world so well that we have stitched ourselves into it.

And any child who came along…

Anyone trying to find their own place

Would be ruined.


Not on purpose.

Just because we would be so unthinking…

So casual.

So selfish.

And with that phrase, my heart stopped beating.

See, the babies weren’t just hypothetical to me.

I could SEE them.

I can still see them.


Decades before I knew there was going to be a Kenny in my life,

There were my babies.

Jonathan Frederic

Jennifer Rose

Named after the glamorous “Hart” couple of 1980’s TV and both my mother AND father’s side of the family.

The day we moved into this house, I had a room picked out for a nursery.

And then…

And then came my husband’s job after job after job

And my breakdown.

I’m emotional.

He’s busy.

I battle depression.

He’s always at the office.

We hit a rough patch there…

And couldn’t stand to be around each other very much.

And then…

Then things got better.

We became a real team.

A real couple.

And I started dreaming again.

Until that night in the kitchen.

As you know,

I have always been Rachel, begging for children from her husband’s God.

I struggle.

I cry.

I remind God that I never WANTED a career.

Offices were not for me.

I did not major in Law, or Science, or Education…

Nothing that would put me in a classroom, or lab, or boardroom, or library.

I wanted to be someone’s Mommy.


That’s not technically true…

I wanted to be THEIR Mommy.

My Jonathan

My Jennifer.

But he says no more.

No more.

Stop dreaming.

Stop begging.

Stop crying.

Look forward.

Move on.

“But you are so creative,” say the well meaning, but not entirely helpful people in my life who REALLY DO love me even if I do want to grab them and scream in their faces sometimes.

“You are so creative.  You’ve written stories and plays and when you were little you wrote songs and tiny books.  Be a writer.  Be a play write.  Let your work, let your volumes be your children.”

A valid choice, that is.

I’ve heard authors compare their books to their babies.  Some even say they cannot choose a favorite work, just as they cannot choose a favorite child.

But…they have a child.

Not words on paper, but a living, breathing little person whose hair they can touch and whose cheek they can kiss.

“Ah,” say the same people who were trying to offer encouragement with their last statements “You don’t understand what it is like.  You don’t have to deal with throw up or spiked fevers at two in the morning.  You don’t have to deal with water in baby’s ear because they went to the swimming pool.  There are no toys in your living room that should be in the play chest.  There are no stains on your best clothes.  In many ways, you are free.”

Thank you.

I will take these words to heart.

You do make me wonder why you even had a baby in the first place if you think they are that much trouble, but I appreciate your support.

“And you?” Some have asked, “Why do YOU want a baby so badly?”

They point out that I’m a self proclaimed princess.

I am a spoiled brat.

Much of my life is done for me and I don’t REALLY encounter anything hard.

“And having a child,” they remind me, “Is HARD.”


I realize that.

But you yourself didn’t know how hard it would be before you had your child, now did you?

And, besides,

We live in first world countries in the twenty first century

Aren’t we ALL just a little bit spoiled?

But I don’t say this.

I don’t say any of it.

I myself don’t know what to say to my lovies whey THEY are going through hard times.  I know that people love me and aren’t really thinking about what they are saying either.

And yet…

If one more person tells me that this is something every woman goes through?

I seriously might just lose it.


I want to say

EVERY woman stands in the kitchen and listens as her husband rips out her still beating heart?

EVERY woman despises Mother’s Day so much that she wishes it can be erased from the calender?  ‘

And don’t even get me started on those “And to all the women who are aunts or have worked with children, we thank you too” tags… It’s a sop, a concession and we all know it.

EVERY woman has to listen to her husband explain that he doesn’t think she’ll be a good mother because she misses so much church and loves her bed more than she loves most people?

I get it.

I mean, I do but I don’t.

I’m sorry.  For those of you who have lost babies (and I know you are out there), I’m sorry.  I cannot imagine your pain.  If I could throw my arms around you and somehow lesson your grief, I would.

For those of you who have struggled through years of infertility and all the stigmas and gossip and expensive treatments that entails, I’m sorry.  I can’t imagine your pain either.  I cannot.  I’m sorry we live in a world that pays for birth control and sex aids but does not help those who want to expand their family.

I’m sorry for the stupid things people say.

I’m sorry for the way that your reputations changed when people found out you had some kind of hurt or obstacle in your life.

I’m sorry for the friends you may have lost, the people who stayed away.

I really am.

I’m sorry I cannot give you any comfort.

And I’m sorry I cannot take any comfort from you.

I’m sorry that my broken heart and mind cannot see your proffers of solace as anything but stupidity.

No, I’ve never lost a baby.

No, I’ve never had injections.

No, I do not know if God is directing me to better things.

In all honesty, I have no idea what (besides the grief that I feel) is going on in and around Stephanie Land.

I’ve never been pregnant.

I’ve never tried to be.

The Mister never thought it was time.

Until it was…

Or so I believed.

We started making plans.

After fifteen years, there were finally a few discussions.

A few glimpses.

A few flutterings

Of hope.

Tiny little girl child, I thought…

Black hair like her Daddy

Fair skin like me

Our very own Snow White

She was there

She was real

I could see her

I could

Until the man I married

The man I was daily building a life with

The man I thought would make our family

Took her away

Now I’m not an outwardly introspective person

I talk to myself, to my cat, to the heavens

When I am in bed

I try to figure myself

My world

My existance


But mostly, in public, I act on feeling

So I’ve never actually discussed WHY I wanted a child

It was just something that was known

Stephanie wears glasses

Stephanie has freckles

Stephanie wants to be a Mama

Stephanie did

Stephanie DOES

And Stephanie doesn’t know how to feel


“Let Go.” I’ve been told.  “Let God.”

“Nothing can touch us that hasn’t been sifted already through His fingers of love”

“He will direct your paths”

“Turn it over to Him”

I used to be one of those people

Minister’s daughter

Hymn Singer

Bible Drill Queen

Sunday School Student with her hand up in the air

Miss Know it All

And then Life Happened

And Miss Know it All discovered that she didn’t really know very much

And now I say that.

It’s hard.

It’s hard to be a Rachel in my world.

My world doesn’t like questions.

Or doubts.

Even my church…my  church as collective, I mean

Acts as if Jesus were the Magic Answer Giver

We all are supposed to be Hannah’s

Hurt but still praying

Crushed but still believing

Keeping her promises


I’ve never been Hannah

I wasn’t Hannah at twenty four and I’m not Hannah now

I’m crushed

I’m hurting

I can’t see how any of this is going to work out

At all

And “Let Go and Let God”  hurts

I’m sorry,

But when the person who is supposed to love you best and most over all the world

Takes your dearest and most cherished dream

Rips it out of your soul

And stops it to death before your eyes

“Let Go and Let God”  hurts ALOT

And what you discover

Is that work hurts too

And you don’t want to be anywhere near your husband

Especially when he is your boss


Since it’s just the two of you,

Home seems like a cage


Though you had been coming together

Working through things

Feeling like true partners

Your sadness enters before you do

And your husband escapes to his office as much as he can

Leaving you deserted and confused

At least FEELING deserted and confused

(He would be there.  You know he would be there.  But he hurt you.

And though

You want someone to love you

Truly love you

Through your pain

You aren’t sure if the person who caused it in the first place

Is really the right man for the job right now

Even if he IS the man who has been with you

All of your life.)

So you back away.

Sometimes flinching.

He says he’s sorry.

He says he knows.

He says it will pass.

EVERYBODY says it will pass.

“Dream a new dream”

“The best way to forget about your own need is to help someone else who is hurting more”

“Keep busy.  Don’t think about it.”

“Let Go and Let God.”

The Mister says I need to get up.

“You will feel so much better if you will just get up and go to work and church.”

I tell him I don’t miss as much as he thinks I do

And Yet


The place I’ve been since I was six weeks old

The place I went every time the doors were open

(And sometimes when they were not)






For so many?

I cannot face right now

It hurts too much

I couldn’t even BEGIN to tell you why

It’s something I don’t really understand myself

Maybe it’s because the hymns

My beloved hymns

Are ashes right now

In my mouth

Maybe it’s because if I hear one more “Praise the Lord”

I’m gonna scream

It’s hard to sit numb through the solos and sermons

I’m NOT okay

I’m really



I’d rather be home in tears

But we’re big on church in my family

And we go

When we can make ourselves get out of bed

When we can tell ourselves that we only have to be hypocrites for two hours and then we will be home again

I wonder

A lot

If I DIDN’T know the stories

Sing the songs

If I COULDN’T recite the verses

Would it be easier?

If I wasn’t a minister’s child

And married to a leader

Could I be more real?

Because all anyone wants to hear is “fine”

It’s not like I can EXPLAIN or anything

And one doesn’t stay home

With a broken heart

Not when one is…

Not when one…

Well sometimes it’s just easier to let him haul me out of my sleep and stick me in the shower

No matter how much

Being around the faithful


No matter how much

I want to blame him

He’s not a bad guy

He’s not my Prince Charming

But he’s not some kind of Wicked Evil Spouse either

And I’m trying

Very carefully trying

Not to vilify him

And I’m trying

Very carefully trying

Not to run too far away from Jesus either

But home feels like a cage

And church feels like a prison

And I’m Old Testament enough

And Backwoods enough

And just plain HUMAN enough

To believe I’m being punished

To believe that I’m so hurtful

Or WAS so hurtful

At some time in the past

To someone else

And THEIR dream

That now is when mine

Will be taken away


And it’s just me

And the Mister

And the millions of helpful unhelpful comments

That people

(Some of whom don’t even really know what is happening)

Feel compelled to give

Because people are people

And people like normality

And right now

I am anything but

Even though

I know that I WILL be singing solos again someday

And not skipping Mother’s Day

Or having to stop teach the children

Or crying for days before a reunion

Because EVERYBODY in my family

Has a newborn in the same year

Except for me


This will either be TRULY okay

Or so status quo

That it feels normal

To be numb

But right now?

You know what?

It’s hard to be around people

And church

And work

And even the people I love

Because my husband

The person who is supposed to love me most and best

Stood in the kitchen one day

Reached into my heart

And ripped it out

And that?

Well that is going to take some time

To heal

If ever

It does


June 6, 2009

Family Fun

Filed under: Family,kids — srose @ 10:37 pm


This is Catherine reading with her Aunt Eva.  Everyone else was watching Napoleon Dynamite.

thumb sucker

Elisabeth is two now.  She held out her hand to me and asked for “five”.  When I stuck out my hand, she pulled her palm away and said “Too swow”. (slow).  She is learning fast.


Bryan made friends with Samuel.  They really took to each other.

blue eyed boy

I love this picture of Samuel.  He looks so much like a little boy and so little like a baby, I think.


This is Bryan.  He’s twenty now and doing the West Coast thing for the summer.  He and his band are going to do camp concerts and Bible Studies.

porch swing

Zach, Cindy and Samuel on the porch swing.  Zach is sixteen now.  He is also very tall.


This is Ethan.  He’s thirteen and also tall. He and Zach played Jenga with me.  They were very patient.

worn out

This is Elisabeth after a long hard day of play.

up high

We toured Erin’s Gymani facility and the girls had a ball on the bars.  Neither Catherine nor Abigail had any fear at all.


This is Emily.  I asked her to pose like a model and she obliged. She didn’t have any fear of heights either.

magic shirt

No, I don’t know why my brother’s shirt is glowing.

abigail on bars

 Abigail is in the children’s gym here.  She really loves to tumble around.


May 19, 2009

Various and Sundry

Filed under: ah life,Family,kids — srose @ 8:42 pm

Here are some of the things I’ve taken pictures of since Christmas


Daddy wrestling with the plastic on little girls’ presents                                             


Abigail holding baby Samuel.


Catherine holding baby Samuel.


Daddy holding baby Samuel       

100_1250.JPG                                                                   l

Daddy and his bambinos   


 Not so big blue eyed boy


Daddy’s birthday cake              


    The dress Daddy wore as a baby.     


My mom, my dad, myself.



My brother, Clay, my parents and me.


Aunt Nita, Daddy, Uncle Phil, Aunt Eva.                                                                                                              .                                       


The Hall Men (and Baby).


The Hall Girls.


Abigail, my mini me.


Sethie looooves the bathtub


Seth also loves to sleep


Annabelle loves any and all kinds of cardboard


Kenny calls Jonah our “fat cat”.  I always say he’s big boned.


One of our book club selections.  We talked a lot about the nature of war that day.


Me passing out cupcakes.  We like food for our discussions.  Mostly we like sweet food for our discussions.


My sweet, sweet church class.  I am so going to miss them when they move up next year.




May 7, 2009

Theology or something like it

Filed under: kids — srose @ 5:37 pm

My class of five year olds continues to amaze me. 

Last night we were singing “This Little Light of Mine”.  The kids had a good time *whiffing* on their “lights” to simulate Satan blowing out a candle.  I wondered if they really understood what that verse meant, so I asked for their thoughts.

Collin said “It means you don’t want to be where Jesus isn’t is.”

And there you have it folks.  The Gospel according to a preschooler.

I’m going to miss them when they move to first grade.

December 8, 2008

Scene from my five year olds

Filed under: kids — srose @ 9:55 pm

Me (introducing the Christmas story): And who was Mary, how was she important?

The Kids, knowing we’re at church and the answer has to be: “JESUS”

Me: Right, but how was she important to Jesus?

Collin: She made him get born.

Me: Right.  And who was Joseph?

The Kids: Mary’s husband.

Me: Right.  And what’s a husband?

Evan: I don’t…I don’t even know the answer to that. (I guess the answer couldn’t be “Jesus”)

Me: Okay, suppose (looking around, catching Emma’s eye) Emma is married and she…

Emma: I need a husband.

Me: Okay, so Emma is married to a guy named Bob and she has to live with Bob.  She can’t go over and stay at Steve’s house.

Collin (scooting over and putting his arm around Emma): Hi.  My name is Bob.

Emma (scooting away from Collin): I’m going to Steve’s.

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