Stephanie Says.. Take a walk inside my head

July 22, 2008


Filed under: travel — srose @ 4:46 pm

I’ll put Florida stuff up as soon as I remember to take the camera out of the car.


In the meantime, enjoy this little quote that we saw on a sign on our way to dinner:


Earth is the Universe’s asylum


I repeat…HUH?

July 8, 2008

Annabelle and her boys

Filed under: pets — srose @ 6:12 pm


Yes, I AM an eleven year old girl

Filed under: Glimpses of Me — srose @ 2:36 pm

I realized that I’m still a big kid some time ago.  However, when I caught myself excited about a new episode of Hannah Montana this weekend, I began to think that maybe I have a problem.

I can’t help it.  I like kids’ shows.   I don’t watch very many cartoons (although if Daria is on, I try and catch it and I’ll still buy an edition of Betty and Veronica every now and then) but I’ll flip through just about anything on the Disney Channel and yes, I did watch both High School Musical and Camp Rock, thank you very much.

Don’t get me wrong.  I’ll be going to see The Dark Knight and any new James Bond film just as soon as my little feet can take me there.  There’s just something about not having to worry about language and nudity and convoluted plots revolving around revenge and murder that is like a mini oasis for me. 

Sure, you sacrifice any real story when you watch things designed for the pre teen set (I admit, there are often plot holes big enough to fit an elephant through). And the acting often leaves something to be desired (overdone double takes, anyone?).

Still, when I managed to talk Kenny into a trip to the mall for my birthday this year, I began to look at the release dates of the summer movies.  Wanted is out, as is Hancock and Hulk.  I’m sure we’ll see them all.  But it was little Miss Kitt Kittredge, based on the American Girl doll of the same name, that drew me this time.

She was spunky.  She was sweet.  She didn’t require any convoluted thought circles or deep understanding.

She was just on my wavelength.  And when they decide which “Girl” to profile next, I’ll be right there in line. 

Me and my eleven year old self, together again.


July 7, 2008

If my life were patterned after a Tad Williams adventure…

Filed under: ah life — srose @ 10:08 pm

…I would have children named Miriamelle, Christabel, and Briony.

July 3, 2008

I swear, they think they’re human

Filed under: pets — srose @ 4:24 pm

Seth (the orange cat) is a big boy. He’s taken to lounging around on my nightstand.  Lounging around is fine, however, it does displace my clock and phone.  So, in an effort to be helpful, I moved the clock and phone onto my bed (nothing like sleeping thisclose to neon red numbers all night).

Now Seth is sleeping on the corner of my bed.  The corner of my bed where I moved my clock and phone.  Silly cat!

July 1, 2008

Having fun

Filed under: Glimpses of Me — srose @ 4:26 pm

I’m at work, creating election cards.  I’m having fun telling people I can’t vote for them because I live in Kentucky!

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