Stephanie Says.. Take a walk inside my head

January 6, 2015

A plea

Filed under: Glimpses of Me — srose @ 1:14 am

Under…you really don’t have to say anything at all, but if you do say stuff be careful. The heart you would could belong to someone who needs you to provide patches, not more cracks. For example:

A lot of the lot of advice that I’m getting consists of either pray or go to church. I appreciate the support…I really really really do. And, intellectually, I understand the sentiments people are trying to convey. But to someone like me…to someone with issues involving rejection…to someone who has spent their life being told “I don’t have time for you” or “Go ask someone else” or “Just be quiet. If people want you to talk, they will ask you to.”, such advice (unless coming from someone I really really REALLY trust) UNLESS it is coupled with actual time spent with me sounds like more of the same. I have enough people passing me by. So be careful. If you feel you MUST say something, be so careful. People don’t hand out their hearts lightly. Please don’t be the person who casually breaks them. Sometimes we need hands, feet and shoulders so much more than we need empty words. Be careful my darlings. Casually cruel kindness is really, really no kindness at all.

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