Stephanie Says.. Take a walk inside my head

May 29, 2018

coooo mon ground

Filed under: ah life — srose @ 11:39 pm

You take one step in her direction
She takes one step the other way
And you talk
But you make no real connection
Hoping the smiles will disguise any pain
You live together in the same house
But the walls between you keep you
Worlds apart
Deep inside
You have the very same dreams
But neither of you know
Where to start
You’re on co-o-o-o-o mon ground
Co-o-o-o-o mon ground
Meet each other at the wall
And together you can tear it down
And you’ll find you live
On common ground
(Brent Lamb)

Forgive the mistakes. I’m working on memories of youth camp from 1991 or so.
This came to me tonight as I was posting Find A Way.
Obviously flippant remarks and quotes and even songs about love aren’t going to clean up every mess or mend every heart. Some hurts are too…well some things just suck and some situations are just…evil.

But sometimes we forget about love. Not puppy love or ice cream love or first dance love. Real love…the blood and sweat and muscle and sacrifice and teamwork that hopes and believes and cries and stretches and enfolds and takes in and lasts. Sometimes it hurts…it does. And we don’t always get what we need. And we give more than we ever take. And people…some of them are just plain jerks.

But some problems aren’t problems. Not really. Not ones that can’t be solved anyway. Pride hurts. I know. I don’t like to give in or be the first one to say something either. And I, like you, have a list of things that my foolish heart wants someone to thank me for.

But sometimes love is more important than being right.
And sometimes doing the NEEDED thing feels an awful lot like giving up what our heart is telling us it wants.
And sometimes we make the first move and people turn away anyway.

Pride is stubborn. Hearts can be hard. A person can only hear so many apologies before they begin sounding like some kind of script. And sometimes the people we talk to aren’t sincere at all. And the heartbreaking thing is that they never will be.

But do we want to be right or do we want love? Are we so wedded to our own way that we can’t at least TRY to find common ground?

Life’s not easy. Love’s not either. And yes, sometimes the mountains we’re scaling are real and big and we have to forge on all alone. Sometimes nothing anyone can say can fix what we’re living through. Sin is sin….and sometimes sin is big and huge and messy and there is no going back to anything like we were before.

But sometimes…just sometimes…if we take one step…then another…and take a breath…and remind ourselves that yes we’re speaking first AGAIN but love…REAL love can lead to beauty like we’ve never even dared to dream of imagining…sometimes…just sometimes…the walls come down…and someone holds out their hand…and maybe it takes years…or maybe it’s just like that…and the wall comes down.

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